Tips & Tricks

Dog Enrichment 101: Benefits, Games & Toys

close up poodle sitting owner lap

Dogs are naturally active, inquisitive animals that thrive when their minds and bodies are engaged. Providing enrichment for your furry friend through play, puzzles, training, and more is key to their health and happiness.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the five main types of canine enrichment and how you can easily incorporate them into your dog’s daily routine.

Let’s dive in.

What is Dog Enrichment?

Dog enrichment refers to activities and experiences that provide mental and physical stimulation to fully engage your dog’s natural instincts and behaviors.

Enrichment taps into your dog’s inherent needs to dig, chew, sniff, hunt, herd, run and socialize. When these needs are met, dogs are less likely to develop problem behaviors from boredom, frustration or lack of socialization.

dogs three pets

The ASPCA recommends dog parents implement enrichment to:

  • Prevent boredom
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Limit destructive behaviors like chewing, barking or digging
  • Provide appropriate physical exercise
  • Build confidence through training games and puzzles
  • Socialize dogs to new sights, sounds, smells and environments

Studies have proven environmental enrichment has a calming effect on shelter dogs by reducing stress behaviors like barking, pacing and aggression.

The same is true for dogs confined at home alone all day or kenneled for travel. Interactive enrichment gives them an outlet for their energy and natural instincts.


5 Types of Dog Enrichment

There are five main forms of dog enrichment that target different canine behaviors and needs:

1. Social Enrichment

If you’re a dog owner, you’ve likely heard about the importance of socialization for puppies. Social enrichment goes beyond simple interactions, encompassing experiences with different species such as adults, children, cats, and, of course, other dogs. It’s about introducing your dog to various people, places, and situations, helping them become well-adjusted and confident.

Dogs that are well-socialized from an early age tend to be more relaxed and less prone to fearfulness, aggression, or becoming easily overexcited when they encounter new experiences later in life.

dogs puppies to play

There are plenty of ways to provide social enrichment for your dog, including:

  • Joining supervised playgroups where they can interact safely with other dogs.
  • Taking daily walks that expose them to different sights, sounds, and smells.
  • Visiting dog-friendly establishments like breweries, cafes, or pubs.
  • Making trips to the pet shop a fun outing.
  • Exploring parks or beaches for new adventures.
  • Enjoying jogs or runs together in new environments.

Essentially, any activity that allows your dog to interact with various pups and people in different settings contributes to their social enrichment. It’s an essential part of raising a happy, well-behaved dog.

2. Nutritional Enrichment

Nutritional enrichment taps into your dog’s innate desire to scavenge and forage, turning mealtime into a fun, engaging activity. By using puzzle toys and snuffle mats and even creating ‘sniffaris’ around your home, you provide your dog with the opportunity to work for their food, engaging both their mind and body in the process.

Puzzle toys are a fantastic way to combine the allure of food with essential physical and mental exercise. These activities not only keep your dog entertained but also channel their energy into positive behaviors. Research from Ohio State University’s Veterinary Medical Center highlights the benefits, noting that puzzle toys can increase physical activity and reduce barking.

the girl and the dog are playing

Here are some enjoyable ways to incorporate nutritional enrichment into your dog’s daily routine:

  • Introduce them to dog puzzles that challenge them to think creatively about their treats.
  • Use snuffle mats where they can sniff out hidden treats.
  • Scatter treats around your home for a tasty treasure hunt.
  • Offer treats or kibble from stuffable toys or those designed for treat dispensing.
  • Hide kibble in a rolled-up towel, inside toilet paper rolls, or cardboard boxes for them to discover.
  • Place your dog’s favorite treats or some dry food in a muffin tin, then cover them with some clean tennis balls for an extra challenge.
  • At mealtime, consider using a slow feeder to prolong the eating process and encourage slower eating habits.


For dogs that aren’t usually motivated by their regular treats, try upping the stakes with something irresistible. High-value treats might include human foods like peanut butter (ensure it’s xylitol-free), plain chicken breast, or even a bit of cheddar cheese. Remember, the smellier the treat, the more enticing it will be for your dog. This mealtime approach satisfies their hunger and enriches their daily life in a meaningful way.

3. Occupational Enrichment

Occupational enrichment gives your dog a sense of purpose by giving them a “job” to do, something that’s particularly beneficial for working breeds such as herding dogs. Experts at Purdue University have found that such enrichment not only keeps dogs mentally engaged, preventing boredom but also offers them an outlet for their boundless energy.

Some engaging ways to incorporate occupational enrichment into your dog’s life include:

  • Participating in dog sports and agility courses, which can challenge their physical and mental abilities.
  • Introducing puzzle toys that require a bit of effort and ingenuity to retrieve food, blending nourishment with a fun challenge.
  • Regular dog training sessions that not only reinforce good behavior but also engage their minds.
  • Simple activities like playing fetch, which can satisfy their instinct to chase and retrieve.
  • Creating an outdoor dig pit for those who love to dig, providing a safe and designated spot for this natural behavior.

These job-like activities compel your dog to employ cognitive thinking and problem-solving skills to achieve a goal, making everyday life interesting and rewarding.

dog agility training jumping breed

4. Sensory Enrichment

Sensory enrichment is a vital aspect of keeping your dog happy and calm, utilizing their keen senses of sight, sound, and particularly smell to enhance their well-being. This approach is especially beneficial for dogs who may feel anxious or stressed, offering them a variety of experiences that can help soothe and stimulate them in gentle, engaging ways.

Engaging your dog’s senses can involve simple activities such as allowing them to gaze out the window, observing the hustle and bustle of the world outside, or watching people pass by. The sound of soothing music can also create a tranquil environment for them to relax in. Introducing calming scents into their space is another way to help reduce anxiety; a dog’s sense of smell is incredibly powerful and can significantly influence their mood.

dog snuffle mat

In addition to visual and auditory stimulation, scent games or nose work activities with dog treats encourage them to use their natural sniffing abilities. Food puzzles and hide-and-seek games not only keep them mentally stimulated but also provide physical activity. Chew toys can offer both sensory enjoyment and stress relief, catering to their need to gnaw.

dog maltese young dog white small

Interestingly, certain scents have been scientifically proven to have a calming effect on dogs. Researchers Dr. Tamara Montrose and John Binks found that scents like ginger, coconut, valerian, and vanilla helped reduce anxiety in shelter dogs. By exposing the dogs to clothes infused with these scents, they observed a decrease in anxious behaviors, less barking, and an increase in restful sleep. 

Incorporating these scents into your dog’s environment could similarly help soothe and comfort your furry friend, making sensory enrichment a powerful tool in promoting their overall happiness and well-being.

5. Physical enrichment

Physical enrichment is all about engaging your dog in activities that keep them physically engaged and mentally stimulated. Playtime is crucial, whether it’s a game of fetch, tug of war, or introducing a variety of fun toys to keep things interesting. These activities not only ensure your dog gets the exercise they need but also strengthen the bond between you.

beautiful border collie dog training with owner

Incorporating both mental and physical stimulation into your daily routine can significantly impact your dog’s well-being. It helps prevent boredom, reduces the likelihood of destructive behaviors, and can alleviate stress. 

pretty woman training a dog

Consider taking your dog for a hike to explore new trails, playing fetch on the beach, or even enjoying some quiet time together, snuggled up with a cozy blanket. These moments of activity and relaxation are key to keeping your dog happy and healthy.

loobani treat dispensing toy
Challenge + Treat = Happy Pet!
Boost Problem-solving: Keep your pet’s mind sharp with engaging puzzles.
Bonding Fun: Work together to solve them, strengthening your connection.
Treat-powered Motivation: Perfect for food-motivated pups!

Why is Enrichment so Important for Dogs?

Beyond just fun games and toys, there are many reasons why enrichment is a crucial part of any dog’s care routine.

1. Preventing Boredom & Anxiety

Dogs left alone at home all day or confined in shelters can become distressed or anxious. This causes stressful behaviors like barking, pacing, chewing and aggression.

Enrichment provides an outlet for their energy and gives them activities so they aren’t focused on boredom. Rotating puzzles, chew toys, and food puzzles prevent your dog from getting bored with the same old toys.

cute french bulldog boring dog

2. Avoiding Destructive Behaviors

Chewing, digging, barking and housetraining accidents are often caused by stress, loneliness or excess energy. Enrichment toys and activities give dogs an appropriate channel for these behaviors.

Food puzzles utilize their need to chew or paw, while sniffing games allow digging instincts to be fulfilled. Providing enough stimulation prevents them from seeking it through destruction.

3. Socializing Puppies

Early positive experiences are crucial for puppies under 16 weeks to prevent fearfulness as adult dogs. Socialization introduces them to new people, environments, sounds and animals in a safe, structured way.

Bring your puppy to training classes, on car rides, and walks downtown and let them meet friendly, vaccinated dogs. But go slowly and listen to their comfort level. Don’t flood them with too many new things at once.

playing puppies young dogs

3. Building Strong Bonds

Sharing activities you both enjoy – like hiking, playing fetch or learning tricks together – strengthens the bond between dog and owner. This leads to better behavior since dogs aim to please their loved humans.

Enrichment provides quality time spent interacting and engaging with your dog. They receive attention, approval and rewards for desired behaviors instead of acting out.

full shot girl bed with dog

4. Providing Exercise Outlets

Regular exercise is a must to prevent obesity and health issues stemming from lack of activity. Enrichment turns exercise into a game and prevents boredom from repetitive walks.

child with dog child dog walking

Food puzzles add physical movement to meals. Fetch engages their chase drives. Nosework outside provides mental and physical exercise as they jump, crawl and explore.

Easy Enrichment Games for Your Dogs

diy spin interactive dog puzzle game

1. Muffin Tin Puzzle

A simple yet effective game that taps into your dog’s natural foraging instincts. All you need is a muffin tin, some tennis balls, and some of their favorite treats. Distribute treats into each cup of the muffin tin and conceal them with tennis balls. Watch as your dog delights in discovering and retrieving the hidden treasures by moving the balls. This game is a brilliant blend of scent detection, problem-solving, and physical exertion.

diy muffin tin puzzle game

2. Indoor and Outdoor Scavenger Hunts

Transform your home or backyard into an exciting landscape filled with hidden gems. Stash your dog’s favorite treats in various nooks and crannies. This activity can be a fun way for the whole family to get involved, especially kids who love selecting the perfect hiding spots. Opt for aromatic, high-value treats to entice your dog and ensure they’re motivated to search. Remember to scout the area for any potential dangers, like toxic plants, when playing outside. Celebrate each find with plenty of praise to keep the excitement levels high.

scent game find it

3. Hide-and-Seek

A classic game that never gets old, hide-and-seek is not just for humans. It’s a fantastic way to work on your dog’s scent tracking and recall skills. Start with easy hiding spots to ensure initial success and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog becomes more adept at the game. The joy and celebration upon discovery are rewarding for both you and your pet.

4. DogTV for Entertainment

For those times when your dog needs to be entertained and you’re busy or away from home, DogTV offers a unique solution. Tailored programming designed for canine viewers features colors and movements that cater to a dog’s visual and auditory senses, providing both entertainment and comfort. It’s an excellent way to keep your dog engaged and calm, especially if they’re prone to anxiety or boredom.

popcorn girl food dog eating

5. Creating a Scent Garden

If you can access an outdoor space, consider setting up a scent garden to stimulate your dog’s powerful sense of smell. Introduce dog-safe scents like lavender, rosemary, or spearmint by lightly spraying them onto garden features or rubbing dried herbs onto surfaces. Encourage your dog to explore and sniff out these intriguing new scents. Be mindful to use scents sparingly and dilute them well to avoid overwhelming your dog’s sensitive nose.

6. DIY Lick Mat

You can also make your own lick mat for your dog using items you may already have on hand; like simply spread a thin layer of peanut butter (make sure it’s xylitol-free) on a cutting board, freeze it, and then give it to your pup.

dog lick mat


Silicone pot mats or trivets work well as lick mats due to their texture and easy cleaning in the dishwasher. You can also choose ice cube trays, silicone baking sheets, or any non-porous and non-abrasive surface. Silicone is our preferred choice for its easy cleaning and gentle feel on a dog’s tongue.

A helpful tip: If your dog picks up or chew on the lick mat instead of licking it, place it in a slightly larger baking pan to prevent them from lifting the edges. Remove the mat once they have finished licking off all the goodness.

Loobani Pet

Best Dog Enrichment Toys

If you’re not into DIY projects or short on time, there’s a wide array of ready-made dog enrichment toys available for purchase. Loobani offers an extensive selection of these toys, including puzzles and games designed to keep your dog engaged and entertained.

Best Beginner Dog Puzzle Toys

For those new to puzzle toys for dogs, or if your dog is a little on the timid side, starting with a beginner-friendly puzzle toy can help them gain confidence. A Rolling Drum Treat Dispenser is a great option, blending the allure of treats with some physical exercise. Your dog will need to maneuver the toy with their nose or paws to release the treats.

Adding a unique element, consider placing the toy in a bamboo stand. This introduces a new challenge, requiring your dog to adapt their strategy to dislodge the treats. 


The toy is also equipped with adjustable silicone stoppers, allowing you to modify the difficulty level. This feature ensures the puzzle remains engaging and appropriately challenging for your dog’s intelligence and hunger level.

Best for Brain Training

The Loobani Classic Spinning Bottles Treat Dispenser is a fantastic addition to your dog’s play collection, offering a unique twist on playtime. This toy, reminiscent of a slot machine, brings the thrill of a big win right into your home.

Simply load the three durable plastic bottles with a variety of tasty treats. Then, watch as your dog figures out how to spin, tap, and manipulate the bottles to access the delicious rewards inside. 


Its adjustable height feature accommodates dogs of various sizes, even those with longer bodies, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Moreover, this robust toy is ideal for pets with lots of energy, providing both mental stimulation and physical activity. It’s designed for hours of engaging play that’s free from frustration, as your dog gets to investigate and scavenge for their treats!

Best for Leveling Up

For those looking to elevate their dog’s puzzle-solving skills, the Multi Puzzle Treat Puzzle Brain Toy stands out as a pinnacle of canine enrichment.

This innovative puzzle feeder combines various mental challenges into a single, engaging toy. Featuring rotating treat dispensers and a sliding puzzle at its base, it requires dogs to employ both their paws and noses to discover hidden treats.


The true appeal of this toy lies in its versatility. With the ability to adjust the difficulty and various interactive components, it ensures long-lasting entertainment for even the most determined dogs. Picture your furry friend completely absorbed in maneuvering through obstacles and solving puzzles, all in the pursuit of delicious rewards.

It is important to note that no toy is indestructible, so you should supervise your pets during playtime and replace the toy if it becomes damaged.

Loobani Pet

How Much Enrichment Does a Dog Need Each Day?

The amount of enrichment dogs require varies depending on their age to ensure they receive the necessary exercise and mental stimulation for happiness and health. Additionally, the breed of the dog can influence the level of enrichment needed, as different breeds have unique instincts that must be satisfied. Puppies may benefit from shorter bursts of enrichment activities, particularly exercise, to help them release excess energy in a positive manner.

The recommended duration for physical enrichment activities for dogs is around 20 minutes in addition to their regular daily walks. When it comes to mental stimulation, quality is more important than duration. Incorporating a variety of activities throughout the day is the best way to keep your dog mentally engaged.

dog lying down on floor

Final Thoughts

From socializing a fearful pup to preventing destruction from a frustrated adolescent dog, enrichment offers something for canines of all ages and temperaments. For instance, high-energy dogs might benefit from more vigorous exercise and engaging food puzzles, whereas anxious dogs might find solace in soothing sensory activities.

Incorporating various enrichment activities into your dog’s daily routine is key to providing a well-rounded experience that stimulates both their mind and body. Even dedicating just 15 minutes to training exercises or allowing your dog to take in the scents and sights on their walks can have a significant impact.

Keeping an eye on your dog’s behavior will help you gauge their enrichment needs. Telltale signs of boredom, such as excessive chewing, digging, or barking, indicate it’s time to ramp up the interactive play and exploration.

The most important tip? Enjoy these moments together! Enrichment isn’t just about improving your dog’s behavior—it’s about strengthening the bond you share and enhancing their overall well-being.

Dogs thrive when they can act on their natural instincts in positive ways. With a little creativity and consistency, enrichment gives them an outlet to tap into their roots as active working animals in a modern, domesticated world.


About Zelda D.Nelson

As a lifelong dog lover and proud mom to two energetic rescue pups, I know firsthand how important puzzle toys are for providing dogs with much-needed mental and physical stimulation. After over a decade of experience raising well-adjusted, happy dogs, I joined the Loobani Pet team to help other pet parents discover the joy and benefits of dog puzzles. Through my work at Loobani Pet, I've become an expert on the ins and outs of various interactive dog toys. My goal is to simplify the selection process so you can easily pinpoint the perfect puzzles to match your pup's needs and lifestyle. Whether you need a toy to challenge your brainy breed, keep your power chewer occupied, or simply provide some rainy day fun, I've got you covered.